Monday, December 28, 2009

Toys, Toys, Toys!

Now that the holidays are over I find myself swimming in toys. What to do with all these toys both new and old? Here are a few ideas we use. I have my kids count how many new toys they received for Christmas and that is how many toys they must donate. This is a great chance to not only clean out the toys but it teaches the children about donation and how there are children that aren't as blessed as they are. We like to donate to the local Children's Hospital (a place we know all too well)....but find a place that is near and dear to you. Most places that take donations for children will give a small tour of the center and show your children where their items will go. When we go to the Children's Hospital to make our donations my kids love to see all the children enjoying toys that have been donated. They feel much better about giving their toys away.

Share with us what you do with all the toys your children no longer play with.

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