Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lunch Ideas

As the kids head back to school parents are faced with the difficult task of making healthy lunches. This is a constant struggle in our house with my little guy who is a picky eater. Remember when making your child's lunch you want to try and make the lunch look like a rainbow the more colorful the lunch is the healthier it will likely be. One of my favorite sites to visit for nutritional lunch ideas is laptop lunches you will find several ideas that even the pickiest of eaters will love. While you are visiting the site check out the bento boxes for your child's lunch box they are an eco-friendly alternative to plastic bags.

1 comment:

  1. Great! Thanks for sharing some relevant knowledge about this stuff. By the way, provides also quality lunch boxes. It is very convenient to use and you can store lots of food inside. There are a variety of designs and sizes to choose from
