Thursday, January 7, 2010

Family Time

As our children are getting older we are finding it harder and harder to have family time. We find ourselves running from soccer, basketball, and dance, we are consistently on the go. Because we are always on the go we have made a commitment to having dinner as a family every night. During dinner we share our favorite part of our day. It is really fun to see what the kids will say. Plus they are really interested in what our favorite part was as well. We also ask what the lowest part of their day was. This is a great way for you to find out if anything is bothering your children. It is comforting to children to know that even their parents have hard days and you can teach them how to cope with any issues they share. If "playing" favorite part/lowest part of the day doesn't get the conversation going their are fun dinner card games. Remember the best gift you can give your family is your time.

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